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Eeek! XML!

June 10, 2003

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XML. It’s everywhere. In your day-to-day existence, you’ve probably had some exposure to XML in some form, whether it’s just through industry buzzword immersion or you’ve been tasked with actually using XML files. For us Mac programmers, Apple provides some XML technologies you can use in your own programs. It’s not the most full-featured or the most robust, but for many uses of XML, it’s pretty good.

At its most basic level, XML is text markup. Like HTML, there are tags surrounded by < and > which indicate “here is some text that is a name” or “here is some text that should be emphasized”. The tags describe a hierarchy of information, such as this XML fragment:

<critter> <type>naked mole rat</type> <name>dangi</name> </critter>

... which describes a “critter” by specifying the name and type. There could be multiple <critter></critter>s in the data if you so desired.

XML parsers take the marked-up text and turn it into in-memory structures that your program can then deal with. In this case, you might have an Objective-C object that represented naked mole rats, which had a name field.

XML in Cocoa

If you’re dealing exclusively with “property list” Cocoa objects (like arrays, dictionaries, strings, dates, NSNumber, and NSData), Cocoa has some built-in features to store your data as XML and to read it all back in. These allow you to use XML as your document format in case your users need to poke around in the document using XML tools or you have a contractual requirement to store the data in XML. These routines are also handy for making a quick data exchange file format.

The NSPropertyListSerialization class can be used to convert your property list objects into an NSData containing the XML, which you can then write to a file or send to another program over the network. The class can also be used for converting XML back to your objects.

For instance, say you have an NSDictionary that contains your document information (which is stuffed full of arrays and strings and whatnot). Packing it up into XML is just:

NSData *data; data = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList: theDict format: NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 errorDescription: nil];

Similarly, if you have an NSData with your document contents, you can recreate your objects with:

theDict = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData: data mutabilityOption: NSPropertyListMutableContainers format: nil errorDescription: nil];

The interesting argument is the mutabilityOption. You have three options:

all of the objects created will be of the immutable variety. You can look, but you can’t change.
any container class (arrays and dictionaries) will be created as a mutable version (NSMutableArray, for instance) so you can then add or remove objects from the collection, but the non-container classes will be immutable.
gives you mutable containers, and the contents will be mutable as well (NSMutableData, NSMutableString, etc)

Digging deeper: Apple’s XML Services

Inside the Core Foundation framework lurks the XML Services, a set of utilities for parsing XML documents into an in-memory form which your program can use. The XML parser isn’t as full-featured as some others available out there, but it is pretty easy to get the basics up an running, plus you know it’ll be on every OS X system.

There are two faces to the XML services. The “high level” API will take the XML file and generate an in-memory tree with it. The “low level” API, which is a little more difficult to use, will invoke callback functions you supply as the parser works through the XML file.

The high-level API

To use the high-level API you can either specify an URL to get the data or you can put the XML text into a CFData. Here we’ll use the CFData route, and use just the plain URL route in the low-level API discussion. So, the basic plan is once you have the CFData, give it to CFXMLTreeCreateFromData to actually parse the XML into a CFTree, and then walk the tree to do whatever it is you need to do.

Before getting into the code, be aware that the Core Foundation services tend to be a bit more verbose than their Cocoa counterparts, but the actual code is pretty straightforward. You can download the code presented here, along with Project Builder projects at

So, back to actually using the high-level API. Here a CFURL is made with the location to find the XML data.

NSString *location; location = @"file:///Users/markd/Development/misc/xml/highlevel/test.xml"; CFURLRef sourceURL; sourceURL = CFURLCreateWithString (NULL, // allocator (CFStringRef)location, // url string NULL); // base url

Load the URL’s contents and stuff it into a CFData.

BOOL result; SInt32 errorCode; CFDataRef xmlData; result = CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource (NULL, // allocator sourceURL, &xmlData, NULL, NULL, // properties &errorCode);

Here, the only interesting part is the actual data, not any associated properties (like the permissions and last modification date for files). For Web URLs, the properties contain the headers returned by the Web server.

The CFData named xmlData now has the XML content. Parse it with this:

cfXMLTree = CFXMLTreeCreateFromData (kCFAllocatorDefault, xmlData, NULL, // datasource kCFXMLParserSkipWhitespace, kCFXMLNodeCurrentVersion);

This walks the XML and builds a tree in memory. The next to last argument is there to keep a bunch of tree nodes from being built for whitespace between tags. As an aside, you can supply the CFURL directly as the datsource if you want and avoid making a CFData. I did it this way originally during development so I could poke around in the CFData and verify that yes, it indeedy has the XML I’m looking for.

Great, now we have a CFTree. What is it, and what can you do with it? A CFTree is a Core Foundation collection class that builds trees. A CFTree object can have some data associated with it and can contain any number of CFTrees as children. As expected, there are methods for traversing the tree.

The tree returned from CFXMLTreeCreateFromData is actually a tree built of CFXMLNodes, which describe an individual XML construct, like a tag, comment, or a chunk of data. Each XML node has a type, a string of data, and a pointer to some other data structure based on the type. There are a bunch of different node types, like documents (representing the whole XML document), elements, processing instructions, comments, entities, whitespace and other more esoteric types.

Here is a function that walks the tree and displays information about it:

void dumpTree (CFTreeRef tree, int level) { // indent the output int i; for (i = 0; i < level; i++) { printf (" "); } // get the XML node for this tree node CFXMLNodeRef node; node = CFXMLTreeGetNode (tree); // get the data string CFStringRef string; string = CFXMLNodeGetString (node); // get the type code CFXMLNodeTypeCode type; type = CFXMLNodeGetTypeCode (node); // extract the string data so we can printf it char buffer[4096]; if (CFStringGetCString (string, buffer, 4096, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) { printf ("%s (%s)\n", buffer, nodeTypeDescription(type)); } // walk the children and recursively display the // descendants for (i = 0; i < CFTreeGetChildCount(tree); i++) { CFTreeRef child; child = CFTreeGetChildAtIndex (tree, i); dumpTree (child, level + 1); } } // dumpTree

The CFTree calls of interest are CFTreeGetChildCount, which gives the number of children a node has, and CFTreeGetChildAtIndex, which gives you the nth child. The CFTree API is not recursive, so to process the whole tree instead of just the current level, you’ll need to do that work yourself.

The low-level API

The high-level API is nice in that it’s pretty simple to go from XML file to something in-memory you can play with. Unfortunately, it’s not very flexible. CFTree doesn’t have a Cocoa object toll-free bridged to it (like the equivalence between CFString and NSString, and CFDictionary and NSDictionary ), so actually using the tree produced from the XML is tedious since you can’t directly stick the nodes into an NSArray or NSDictionary, or easily use it as a data source for an NSOutlineView.

The low-level API gives you more control over the parsing process, such as skipping over elements if you’re not interested in them, which can be handy if you have a huge XML document and only want a subset. The low-level API also gives better error-checking and reporting. If CFXMLTreeCreateFromData has a problem, it just returns NULL, leaving you with no clue what went wrong.

So what is this low-level API? Basically, you define some callback functions (three are required, two more are optional) and give them to a parser object. As the XML gets parsed, these functions get invoked at various points along the way, and inside of the functions you decide what should happen. Like when a new element needs to be created, you can decide what kind of Cocoa object to create to hold any child items, and then create the object and set any properties.

Before we start, one of the annoying things about the low-level API is that more stuff is documented than is actually implemented. So sometimes you see documentation and sample code for a particular feature, then look a little deeper and see that it is “unsupported”. Unfortunately it’s some of the cooler features, like using the XML file’s DTD for verification and expansion of entities, and some of the really useful features, like automatically expanding physical entities like < and &, which are unsupported.

So, forging ahead, Here is the necessary setup for using the low-level API:

NSString *location; location = @"file:///Users/markd/Development/misc/xml/highlevel/test.xml"; CFURLRef sourceURL; sourceURL = CFURLCreateWithString (NULL, (CFStringRef)location, NULL); // absolute url;

Just like with the high-level API, this starts out with a CFURL that indicates where the XML data lives.

CFXMLParserCallBacks callbacks = { 0, // version createStructure, addChild, endStructure, resolveEntity, handleError };

CFXMLParserCallBacks is a structure which contains function pointers to the individual callbacks. This structure gets passed to the next call to tell the parser what callbacks to use during the parsing process.

CFXMLParserRef parser; parser = CFXMLParserCreate ( kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, // xmldata sourceURL, // data source kCFXMLParserSkipWhitespace, kCFXMLNodeCurrentVersion, // version of nodes &callbacks, NULL); // context

So like CFXMLTreeCreateFromData, you can give it a data source, or you can give it a CFData with the XML in it. The kCFXMLParserSkipWhitespace flag is given here to tell the parser to skip whitespace between tags, although whitespace that is next to actual text data is preserved. The callbacks are also provided. The last argument, the context, can be a CFXMLParserContext structure that indicates some piece of data to pass to the callback functions. Essentially it’s a rock you can hide some of your data under, like a pointer to a Cocoa object you’re accumulating data into.

if (!CFXMLParserParse(parser)) { NSLog (@"Parse Failed"); } CFRelease (parser); CFRelease (sourceURL);

And finally invoke the parser and clean up the mess. Note that CFXMLParserParse doesn’t actually give you back the root object for the tree that is created. You’ll have to squirrel that away yourself.

Before digging into the callbacks themselves, here is the Cocoa object that will be used to build the in-memory representation of the XML data:

@interface XMLNode : NSObject { NSString *type; NSDictionary *attributes; NSMutableArray *children; } // adds the given node to self’s children array - (void) addChild: (XMLNode *) node; // replaces the attributes dictionary - (void) setAttributes: (NSDictionary *) attributes; - (void) setType: (NSString *) type; @end // XMLNode

The implementation is straightforward and can be found on the download page. There’s also a global variable used to indicate the root of the tree:

XMLNode *g_root;

The Callbacks

The first callback, createStructure, is also the most complicated one, since that’s where most of the work happens. Here it is in pieces:

The function signature is pretty simple:

void *createStructure (CFXMLParserRef parser, CFXMLNodeRef node, void *info)

You’re given the parser, the XML node currently under scrutiny, and the info pointer specified in the context when the parser was created.

Right off the bat, look at the type of the node, and then switch on it. The type will have a big impact on the work that needs to be done.

CFXMLNodeTypeCode type; type = CFXMLNodeGetTypeCode (node);

And also declare a result variable:

void *result = NULL;

The return value from the createStructure callback will be held on to by the parser, and then given to other callbacks as necessary to build the parent/child relationships described in the XML. If you return NULL, the parser assumes you don’t want to do anything with this particular element and will just skip it.

switch (type) {

The first case you’ll get is kCFXMLNodeTypeDocument (if you lop off the "kCFXMLNodeType" from the constant name, what’s left over is the really important bit) This is the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> header of the XML file. For our parsing here, create the root object that holds everything:

case kCFXMLNodeTypeDocument: // make a new node to be our root xmlnode = [[XMLNode alloc] init]; [xmlnode setType: (NSString *)CFXMLNodeGetString(node)]; // set our root object to be our new node g_root = xmlnode; // also return our XMLNode to be the container of any other // stuff we come across result = xmlnode; break;

The second case is kCFXMLNodeTypeElement. This is the node type for the guts of the XML file. If you had something like the critter example above, the NodeTypeElement case would be executed three times, once for the critter, once for type, and once for name. The type and name would then become children of critter.

case kCFXMLNodeTypeElement: xmlnode = [[XMLNode alloc] init]; [xmlnode setType: (NSString *)CFXMLNodeGetString(node)]; const CFXMLElementInfo *elementInfo; elementInfo = (CFXMLElementInfo *)CFXMLNodeGetInfoPtr(node); if (!elementInfo->isEmpty) { [xmlnode setAttributes: (NSDictionary*)elementInfo->attributes]; } result = xmlnode; break;

A new node is created with the type set to CFXMLNode’s string, which is the name that’s in the tag. Then the code gets ahold of the elementInfo for the node. This structure has a dictionary of attributes, an array which tells you what order those attributes were, and a flag telling you if you have any attributes at all. Note that this dictionary can get reused, so if you want to hang on to the dictionary, you’ll need to make a copy of it.

The kCFXMLNodeTypeElement case is where most of the interesting stuff will happen. You can look at the type to decide which class to create, such as MECritter and MECritterName. You could pass the dictionary of attributes to the init functions for the the classes, who would then use the attributes to set whatever properties or features are appropriate.

The next chunk of code to consider is where you get the text that lives between the tags.

case kCFXMLNodeTypeText: result = (void *) CFXMLNodeGetString (node); break;

In this case, the callback is just returning the string. In the addChild callback, this will be added to the parent object. Since this string can be reused too, you’ll want to make a copy of it.

The last common case is expanding entity references, like < and >. There is the kCFXMLparserReplacePhysicalEntities flag you could give to the parser which supposedly will expand the basic entities, that doesn’t really work (another “unsupported feature”), so you have to have code to expand the basic entities, as well as any other entities your XML might be using (which somewhat defeats the use of the XML services as a general XML parser). You can set up a dictionary of entities beforehand, and stash it into a global.

NSDictionary *g_defaultEntities;; void makeDefaultEntities () { g_defaultEntities = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"gt", @"<", @"lt", @">", @"amp", @"&", @"quot", @"\"", @"apos", @"'", nil]; } // makeDefaultEntities

... and then use that global in the createStructure callback:

case kCFXMLNodeTypeEntityReference: result = [g_defaultEntities objectForKey: (NSString *)CFXMLNodeGetString(node)]; break;

There’s a bunch of other constants you can look at, but this is the minimal set you’ll need to get going. For completeness, here’s the close of createStructure:

return (result); } // createStructure

Now for addChild, which is called with a pair of structures you’ve previously created:

void addChild (CFXMLParserRef parser, void *parent, void *child, void *info) { [(XMLNode*)parent addChild: (XMLNode*) child]; } // addChild

Wrappers and alternatives

As you can see, there are some missing features and rough corners on Apple’s XML services. Out There on the net are wrappers for Apple’s services, as well as other toolkits for dealing with XML data.

XMLTree is an Objective-C wrapper around CFXMLTreeCreateDataFromURL, and also provides a nicer interface to the CFTree that gets returned.

Iconara DOM is a Cocoa framework for both reading and writing XML data.

The MetaObject folks have MPWXmlKit, which provides XML archiving support to classes that support the NSCoding protocol, and also includes an XML parser and XML generation.

Since the code here just sticks everything into an XMLNode, it’s pretty easy to make one a child of the other. You could add specific logic here to take different actions based on what the parent and the child are. Although if you use a consistent name for the “add a child” features of your container classes, this callback can be kept really simple.

The last required callback is endStructure, called when the parser is done with all the work associated with parsing a structure, in case there’s any finalization that needs to be done.

void endStructure (CFXMLParserRef parser, void *node, void *info) { // well, I really don’t need to do anything for this, but // ya never know... } // endStructure

There are two optional callbacks. The first, resolveEntity, which is for this case:

[ &!ENTITY part1 SYSTEM "part1.xml"& ] ... &part1; ...

This will let you decide how to expand &part1;. Unfortunately, this feature is documented as “unsupported”, and so isn’t available. Oh well.

The final callback gets called when errors happen.

Boolean handleError (CFXMLParserRef parser, CFXMLParserStatusCode error, void *info) { NSString *description; description = (NSString *) CFXMLParserCopyErrorDescription (parser); NSLog ( @"Got an error. description: %@, line: %d, position: %d", description, CFXMLParserGetLineNumber(parser), CFXMLParserGetLocation(parser)); [description release]; return (NO); } // handleError

The status code is a numeric constant that indicates the kind of error encountered, like malformed names or tags, or empty documents. For displaying end-user errors you can get a string describing the error, as well as the line number and position in that line that the error happened. Return a YES value to try to continue if a non-fatal error happened. Returning NO will cause parsing to stop immediately.

That, in a nutshell, is what you need to read basic XML documents. These are especially handy when you know what you’re going to be getting and are reasonably assured that the XML will be correct.

Mark Dalrymple ( has been wrangling Mac and Unix systems for entirely too many years. In addition to random consulting and custom app development at Borkware, he also teaches the Core Mac OS X and Unix Programming class for the Big Nerd Ranch.

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