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MacEdition Guide to CSS2 Support in Mac-only Browsers

This page only includes OS X-only browsers that are currently being distributed: Safari 1.x, OmniWeb 4.5/5.0, iCab 2.6 and above (current version 2.9.7), iCab 3.0 beta and Mac IE 5.2.x. Camino/Chimera is based on the Gecko layout engine and is therefore included in the Abridged Guide to CSS Support, not here. For older versions of OmniWeb (version 4.2 and below), see the MacEdition Guide to CSS Support in Discontinued OmniWeb versions and accompanying Notes on Pre-WebCore OmniWeb

See also:

Code What it means
U Untested
OK OK: supported on all relevant tags.
P Partial: correctly implemented but only for subset of required elements or properties.
Q Quirky: works in most cases, but some odd bugs.
N Not supported: doesn't work, but doesn't destroy content either
B Buggy: works in ways that compromise the aesthetics.
D Destroyed: obscures or otherwise messes up content.
Property Safari 1.0/ OmniWeb 4.5 final (see documentation at Apple) Safari 1.1  and 1.1.1 (OS X 10.3.x) Safari 1.2 (OS 10.3.x) Mac IE 5.2.x  iCab 2.6–2.9.x iCab 3.0 beta
Form elements styled? No. Aqua styling   No. Aqua styling P: Aqua Styling, but some scaling of font sizes Yes, but some quirks  P: background-color but not border, for example. See notes for more info. OK
background OK OK OK OK  See below OK
background-attachment OK: prev. bug fixed in v.60. OK OK OK  OK OK
background-color OK OK OK OK  OK except inline content (span), form elements and list elements (see notes) OK
background-image OK OK OK OK  OK OK
background-position OK but see above OK OK OK  OK OK
background-repeat OK OK OK OK  OK OK
border-collapse N (as shown in the page you’re looking at) N: Slated for future version post 1.1  OK N (untestable because borders on table cells not supported) OK
border-spacing N (as shown in the page you’re looking at) N (as shown in the page you are looking at) OK N OK
border OK (see below) OK Ok OK P: all but table cells/rows and inline elements. Note IMG is an inline element, so borders around images that are links cannot be turned off in iCab using CSS; the HTML attribute border="0" must be used instead. OK
border-bottom-color OK OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-bottom-style  OK. NB dotted is IE-style dashed in beta versions[1] OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-bottom-width OK OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-color OK OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-left OK OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-left-color OK OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-left-style OK. NB dotted is IE-style dashed in beta versions[1] OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-left-width OK OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-right OK OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-right-color OK OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-right-style OK. NB dotted is IE-style dashed in beta versions[1] OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-right-width OK OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-style OK. NB dotted is IE-style dashed in beta versions[1] OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-top OK OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-top-color OK OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-top-style OK. NB dotted is IE-style dashed in beta versions[1] OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-top-width OK OK OK OK P: see above OK
border-width OK OK OK OK P: see above OK
bottom  OK OK OK OK N: absolute positioning not supported OK
caption-side Qu: some problems with left-side captions, but top and bottom ok   Qu: some problems with left-side captions, but top and bottom ok   Qu: some problems with left-side captions, but top and bottom ok P (top/bottom only)   N Top and bottom only, captions not styled, bottom interferes with table bottom
clear OK OK OK Q: Incorrectly inherited to child elements  Float not supported, so clear irrelevant. OK
clip (NB: behavior changed radically in CSS2.1) P: overflow not handled properly No longer tested because of change in spec No longer tested because of change in spec N No longer tested because of change in spec
color OK OK OK OK  OK OK
content P/B (See discussion) As reported,  fixed in 1.1  OK N OK
counter-increment *  N N N OK (no other browser does?)
counter-reset *  N N N OK (no other browser does?)
cursor P: pointer only? Full support slated for post-1.1 version  OK OK N OK
direction ok but test pages not decisive ok but test pages not decisive ok but test pages not decisive N N
display Not run-in or inline-block OK: run-in and inline-block now supported OK N P: Not run-in but all others ok (even table-cell).
empty-cells N Qu: compresses hidden rows but doesn’t hide them completely. Qu: compresses hidden rows but doesn’t hide them completely. N (NB MSN for OS X gets this right)  N Qu: compresses hidden rows but doesn’t hide them completely.
float OK ok (assuming no regression) OK Q: See float bugs in Bug Guide  B: images only, and can obscure text content if used. OK
font OK OK (does do inherit) OK OK  OK OK
font-family OK Q? Doesn’t accept inherit? OK - does do inherit OK  OK OK – and adds in ligatures automatically!
font-size Handled but assumes 72dpi not 96dpi in beta versions. Uses 96dpi in version 1.0.   OK (see note at left for version 1.0) OK OK  OK OK
font-size-adjust N  N N N N
font-stretch N  N N N Uses letterspacing
font-style OK. OK OK OK  OK OK
font-variant P: small-caps not supported, treated as all-caps (see W3C test page)   P: small-caps not supported, treated as all-caps (see W3C test page) OK. small-caps now supported OK  N Small caps supported, but glitches with :first-line pseudoclass?
font-weight OK OK OK OK  OK OK
height ok OK OK OK  B: many problems, even with simple pixel values. Resizing images in CSS works for pixel values ok. OK judging by simple tests
left ok OK OK OK  N: absolute positioning not supported OK
letter-spacing OK OK OK OK  OK OK
line-height OK OK OK OK  OK OK
list-style OK OK OK OK  P: images not supported but other properties ok OK
list-style-image OK OK OK OK  N OK
list-style-position OK OK OK OK  Q: inside and outside supported, but background colors apparently in the wrong place. OK
list-style-type OK: including latin and alpha types, lower-greek and hebrew. (Leading zeros don’t appear to be supported) OK: including latin and alpha types, lower-greek and hebrew. (Leading zeros don’t appear to be supported) OK P : Only the basic CSS1 properties, not CSS2 ones like lower-greek or lower-latin. P: only CSS1 properties, not CSS2 like lower-greek, some minor glitches Subject to font availability, includes Hebrew, CJK ideographs etc.
margin OK OK OK OK  Generally too large on block elements; seems to add to default value instead of replacing it. Zero margins not honored for some elements (eg P, headings). OK
margin-bottom OK OK OK OK  See margin above OK
margin-left OK OK OK OK  See margin above; also % units calculated as % of viewport, not parent element. OK
margin-right OK OK OK OK  See margin above; also % units calculated as % of viewport, not parent element. OK
margin-top OK OK OK OK  See margin above OK
marker-offset N N N N? (available tests not obvious)
max-height N N N N N OK
max-width P: not if element is positioned or replaced  P: not if element is positioned or replaced  P: not if element is positioned (replaced elements ok) N Ok, though height of replaced elements (images) resizes too!
min-height N N N OK
min-width P: non-positioned non-replaced elements only P: non-positioned non-replaced elements only P: not if element is positioned (replaced elements ok) N Ok, though height of replaced elements (images) resizes too!
outline P: Not form elems P: Not form elems P: Not form elems OK  N OK
outline-color See above   See above See above OK  N OK
outline-style See above   See above See above OK  N OK
outline-width See above   See above See above OK  N OK
overflow P: scroll and auto not supported (treated like hidden) OK: scroll and auto now work OK Q: see Bug Guide  N OK
padding OK OK OK OK  P: all but table cells OK
padding-bottom OK OK OK OK  P: all but table cells OK
padding-left OK OK OK OK  P: all but table cells OK
padding-right OK OK OK OK  P: all but table cells OK
padding-top OK OK OK OK  P: all but table cells OK
position OK: (Quirks with relatively positioned elements fixed in build 60) ok (assuming no regression) OK Q: See Bug Guide  N OK
quotes N N N OK
right ok OK OK OK  N: absolute positioning not supported OK
table-layout (alternative test page) ? Claimed in Konqueror docs but test page not decisive   Looks ok for table-layout: fixed. Looks ok for table-layout: fixed. Q: Some tests seem to work ok, but not others Looks ok for table-layout: fixed.
text-align (NB no browser does char alignment) OK OK OK OK  Not justify Not justify
text-decoration OK OK OK OK  Q: Child elements have own text color instead of being spanned by parent’s decoration color. OK
text-indent OK OK OK OK  OK Percentages of own width, not parent’s (version 2.x got this right)
text-shadow N  OK: the first browser to support this! OK N N
text-transform Some glitches with special characters and elements inside words Special characters now transformed correctly but some problems with elements inside words Special characters now transformed correctly but some problems with elements inside words OK  OK OK
top ok OK OK OK  N: absolute positioning not supported OK
unicode-bidi N: but direction does work  N  N N N
vertical-align OK OK OK OK  N OK
visibility P: All except collapse P : All except collapse Qu: collapse only partial P: All except collapse (MSN gets this right)  N Qu: collapse only partial
white-space Q: can't override pre setting of PRE and XMP elements   OK: glitch in 1.0 fixed OK OK  OK OK
width ok OK OK OK  Percent horizontal width values are calculated relative to the browser window, not relative to the containing block. Some glitches for pixel-value widths, but they generally work ok. Resizing images in CSS works for pixel values ok. OK
word-spacing OK OK OK OK  OK OK
z-index OK OK OK OK  Absolute positioning not supported, so this property is not relevant OK
Direct-child selector (>) OK but some quirks on long chains of descendents. (See point 3 in Eric Meyer’s test page) OK  N: Doesn’t support, but doesn't destroy OK
attribute selectors OK OK OK D: Renders all elements of the type (eg P) with the style, not just those with that attribute. OK
universal selector OK OK OK OK N OK
Sibling selector (+) OK OK OK OK  N (see test page) OK
Multiple classes ( {} p.two {}, <p class="one two">) OK OK OK OK  OK OK
Multiple classes in same rule (, <p class="one two">) OK OK OK OK  N OK
:before and :after OK OK OK OK  N OK
:first-line pseudoclass OK OK OK OK  N OK
:first-letter pseudoclass OK - OW has some glitches in inheritance through a child element (see list item test) OK OK OK  N OK
:first-child pseudoclass (CSS2) (test) OK OK OK OK  N OK
:link, :visited pseudoclasses OK OK OK OK  OK OK
:hover pseudoclass OK OK OK P: a elements only  N OK
:lang pseudoclass N N OK  N OK
@import url("../file.css") OK OK OK OK  OK OK
@import url(../file.css); OK OK OK OK  OK OK
@import url(../hide1b.css) screen; OK OK OK OK  OK OK
@import "../hide2.css"; OK OK OK OK  OK OK
media attributes  Generally OK but some quirks on exotic combinations.   Generally OK but some quirks on exotic combinations. Generally OK but some quirks on exotic combinations. OK  N: does not ignore media="screen" but does not support print stylesheets OK, including Hixie’s exotic tests
@media rules OK OK OK N: ignores rule OK
Tantek box-model hack OK OK OK OK  OK OK
High-pass filter (including inline version)  Passes linked but not inline version OK OK OK  Bug: Passes Hack, but does not support all of CSS1 or CSS2 OK
Caio’s hack  OK: Hides from Netscape 4 as intended but not Safari  OK: Hides from Netscape 4 as intended but not Safari OK  OK: Hides from Netscape 4 as intended but not IE OK: Hides from Netscape 4 as intended but not iCab OK: Hides from Netscape 4 as intended but not iCab
Be Mean to Opera Hack (test)  B: Replicates Opera’s parsing bug OK OK OK  B: Doesn’t support child selector OK 
Owen Hack (test)  OK OK OK OK  B: Fails both “Be Nice to Opera Hack” and Owen Hack OK 

About this page

This page was compiled by CodeBitch and hosted by MacEdition, based on analysis of the CSS1 and (some of the) CSS3 Selectors Test Suites provided by the W3C, Eric Meyer’s CSS2 Test pages, CSS2 Test pages provided by Richinstyle, and CodeBitch’s own tests of CSS compatibility, with added information from pages provided by Johannes Koch, Albin.Net, Ian Hickson and David Baron. Some information was initially drawn from other compilations of bug information for Safari, and from the Konqueror documentation, but all such information has been independently verified by CodeBitch.

No warranties are given on the correctness of this page, since this depends both on the correctness of the tests and correctness of my interpretation of the tests. All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure accuracy. Corrections, clarifications and updates for new versions of these browsers will be gratefully appreciated. Thanks are due to Matt McIrvin, the rest of the MacEdition staff, and numerous dedicated web developers with Macs, who have sent comments, diagnoses and screenshots.

Last Modified: 26 December 2004 (12:30PM AEDSTCodeBitch

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