iCab 2.8 (OS X) font problem

This is a DIV with the CSS style font-family: 'Lucida Sans', Palatino;. If you have Lucida Sans installed, then you should see that font and not Palatino.
This is a DIV with the CSS style font-family: 'Lucida Sans', Palatino, fantasy;. If you have Lucida Sans installed, then you should see that font and not whatever is specified as the "fantasy" generic font. However, in iCab 2.8 for OS X, this is not true – the fantasy generic font will apply. The whole list of fonts other than the generic font is ignored.
This is a DIV with the CSS style font-family: Palatino,'Lucida Sans', fantasy;. If you have Palatino installed, you should see that font. If you don't, but you have Lucida Sans, you should see Lucida Sans. In iCab 2.8 (OS X), if you have Palatino, it will show, but if you don't, you get the fantasy font, not Lucida Sans. So from these examples we can conclude that if the relevant font at the front of the list is quoted (which you're meant to do if the font name has more than one word in it) and if there is a generic font family specified at the end (which you are also meant to do) then iCab doesn't see any of the font names other than the generic family.
This is a DIV with the CSS style font-family: FakeFontForCodeBitch,'Lucida Sans', fantasy;. Obviously the first one isn't going to be in anybody's font folder, so the Lucida Sans should apply instead. Unfortunately this is not a workaround. Although FakeFontForCodeBitch is not quoted, this doesn't save iCab. The next font in the list is Lucida Sans, which is quoted. In iCab, the non-quoted first font is not enough to stop the generic font bug if that first font is not installed.
5 June 2002