Test page for iCab font-sizing issue: font sizing in ems

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

This is a paragraph. All the text on this page should be Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans or some other sans-serif font. This should inherit from the font-family rule declared for body. There is no font-size style declared on body, so everything should start from the browser defaults.

A DIV with a paragraph inside.

An H3 instead two nested DIVs. It should be the same size as the H3 at the top of the page. In iCab, it's much larger.

A DIV inside a DIV with a paragraph inside that. Bigger again

Quadruply nested DIV. In iCab, this is unreasonably large.

A paragraph inside a table. In iCab, it's too large and not sans serif.

5 January 2003