or @import "imptest1a.css";
<link rel="Stylesheet" rev="Stylesheet"
href="owcannotseethis.css" type="text/css" media="Screen">
instead of <link rel="Stylesheet" rev="Stylesheet"
href="owcanseethis.css" type="text/css" media="screen">
. (More
information in CodeBitch
column from November 18, 2002.)\padding:1em
or paddi\ng:1em
. See Edwardson
Tan’s test page for more information. Note that any character
escaping within a stylesheet hides the whole stylesheet from Netscape 4.
This works for all version 4 builds of OmniWeb, and also hides CSS from
iCab and Safari. Important note: OmniWeb 4.5 implements a huge number of improvements to CSS support, due to the incorporation of the WebCore framework also used in Safari. In terms of its standards support, OmniWeb 4.5 should be considered as a completely different browser to previous versions. See the Notes on Safari for details of bugs and quirks in OmniWeb 4.5.
as in
Internet Explorer, not as the standard specifies. auto
keyword for margin-left
and margin-right
properties, OmniWeb does not center block elements
using standard CSS methods. α
only the numeric equivalents. ex
units? Certainly with
borders. P
and LI
, which was not supported
until after 4.1 beta 2, and can sometimes activate other bugs. Assessments
of OmniWeb support of selectors should be based on font color, not background
color. (Similarly, dotted and dashed borders should not be used to test other
capabilities such as workaround hacks and selectors.) color
and text-align
, at least, do not inherit into the tables, while
does inherit in. This is effectively the same problem
as Netscape 4 has. Q
but don’t support the quotes
CSS2 property. This page was compiled by CodeBitch and hosted by MacEdition, based on analysis of the CSS1 and (some of the) CSS3 Selectors Test Suites provided by the W3C, Eric Meyer’s CSS2 Test pages, CSS2 Test pages provided by Richinstyle, and CodeBitch’s own tests of CSS compatibility, with added information from pages provided by Johannes Koch, Albin.Net, Ian Hickson and David Baron. Some information was initially drawn from other compilations of bug information for Safari, and from the Konqueror documentation, but all such information has been independently verified by CodeBitch.
No warranties are given on the correctness of this page, since this depends both on the correctness of the tests and correctness of my interpretation of the tests. All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure accuracy. Corrections, clarifications and updates for new versions of these browsers will be gratefully appreciated. Thanks are due to Matt McIrvin, the rest of the MacEdition staff, and numerous dedicated web developers with Macs, who have sent comments, diagnoses and screenshots.
Last Modified: 17 May 2003 (9:30PM AEST)