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MacEdition ProNews February 21, 2001

by MacEdition Staff (feedback)

Press, release. Press, release. Don’t forget to breathe.

I suppose the folks at Peninsula liked our previous handling of their press release (or maybe they there just know our readers like this sort of thing). Here’s another release from that wacky UK development house:

Time Precious? Save It With “YouGotMail™!”

If you’re anything like me you probably waste loads of time checking and double checking your email account. Have you had enough? Do you want to save some time? Well now it’s never been easier with Peninsula’s “YouGotMail™.” Get mail quickly and easily with with this brand new product from Peninsula.

Like all of Peninsula’s products it’s full of terrific features, e.g forget checking your mail, “YouGotMail™” will automatically do it for you! It alerts you whenever mail arrives at your mail server or ISP and it can be set up to multiple accounts. If you forget that you have mail or you are not ready to deal with it this unique product reminds you of the unopened email.

In conjunction with this you can set the reminder time to whatever you want, e.g if you want to be reminded within two minutes you can set it to exactly that – it’s entirely upto you! One of the best features of this software is that it is tiny, get this, between 200–500 k! And no I’m not joking.

Impressed? You will be, Peninsula are offering this terrific software package for an amazing . . . NOTHING! That’s right it is absolutely FREE, so be wise and hurry while stocks last.

Peninsula back their products with free full technical support via E-mail. The company has over fifteen years experience of Barcoding software and are linked to large companies such as Black and Decker, Pedigree Pet Foods, and Cambridge University Press. To find out more information about Peninsula Group or the services they provide, contact or see their website at or Tel +44 (01262) 673591

To any trademark lawyers out there: Peninsula named it. We didn’t.

Sorry, you’ll have to wait for the googleplex search

From the “tips n’ tricks” bucket where we keep The Gay Blade’s leftovers:

Some of us think that Google is one cool search engine (and now Usenet archive), but really dig the instant gratification of searching for sites in Internet Explorer 5’s address bar. Well, we just baked up a quick hack that allows you to ditch Microsoft’s MSN search engine in favor of your own engine of choice.


  • 1 virgin Internet Explorer 5
  • 1 ResEdit
  • A dash of respect for the destructive powers of ResEdit

First, open a copy of IE5 in ResEdit. Open the STR# resource, and then open “Shared Strings”, which should be the first resource listed. Find entry #344, which is “”. Without getting bits of the shell in it, remove this string and fold in “”. Save and let cool for 10 minutes before serving.

Now you can enter “? naked mole rat” in IE’s address bar to effortlessly get the latest poop on our resident rumorologist’s little hairless buddies via Google. If you want to substitute your own favorite search engine’s URL, just remember that the “%s” in the STR# resource gets replaced with your input in the address bar.

Just remember: if you try this at home, remember that too many hacks can spoil the broth. Keep an original copy of IE in case something goes horribly, horribly wrong. Oh! The humanity!

Jack of all standards, master of none

Thanks to TechNN, we know about this EETimes article, “MPEG-4’s role unclear in streaming-media era.” Given that Apple had a hand in the formation of MPEG-4 and that Microsoft is already trying to embrace-and-extend itself into yet another standards space, this review of the trials and tribulations that the standard is facing is quite relevant to anyone making hay on the Net media farm.

With players such as Philips (TriMedia), C-Cube (rumors, rumors, rumors), and ATI (Trabajos roulette), this story almost belongs on As the Apple Turns. Alas, that episode has not yet been written.

Pandering for hits? Not The Register (nor us, of course)...

Okay, this is only tangentially related to the Mac. But you gotta love it anyway. The Register has weighed in with a blurb about the repackaging of a Transmeta-based device. Given the headline, “Transmeta powers ‘pearly pink’ PC for pussy,” it’s clear that not only do the Reg folks appreciate the aural appearance of alliteration, but that the market for specialized devices catering to affinity groups is alive and kicking. Perhaps it’s time for Apple to reconsider the calls for iMacs in your favorite school colors?

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